Softwave Therapy in Princeton, NJ


At Princeton Spine Disc and Chiropractic, Dr. Manish Sojitra, D.C. utilizes Softwave Therapy to help his patients recover from injuries by helping to treat the pain that is afflicting them.

This treatment has been shown to decrease pain, inflammation and regenerate tissue by recuring StemCell which are dormant in our body. This will allow you to take less medication, increase joint range of motion, and avoid unnecessary surgery.

Professional sports teams such as Atlanta Braves, Chicago Cubs, Cleveland Guardians, Pittsburg Steelers, Miami Dolphins, Dallas Cowboys, Orland Magic, LA Lakers, Memphis Grizzlies, NY Knicks and Nets, UFC training Center, and some premier soccer leagues have made this part of their recovery process to keep their athlete's injury free and recover faster from any injuries.

Softwave Therapy has helped people suffering from bone-on-bone knee pain to people who were looking at knee surgery due to a meniscus tear, ligamentous tear, or just arthritis. Whether you have shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, ankle pain, chronic lower back, neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome or chronic pain, Softwave therapy is the solution.

At Princeton Spine Disc & Chiropractic, we have helped stroke survivors, failed back surgeries, neuropathy, numbness and tingling, bone fractures that were not healing fast enough, and patients who had lost hope elsewhere.

FDA has cleared this treatment as a completely non-significant risk technology meaning there are no side effects and no downtime to your daily activities.

Softwave Therapy for Tennis Elbow

Softwave treatment involves applying acoustic pressure to the area around the elbow to help promote the reparative and regenerative processes of the soft tissue so that the tears in the tissue are repaired. Increased blood flow helps to promote the healing process so that range of motion is restored.

Softwave Therapy for Back & Knee Pain

Softwave therapy involves transmitting acoustic sound waves to the injured area. The acoustic wave is applied to the part of the back where the patient is experiencing pain so that the wave can reach the tendon, muscle, or joint needing relief. The acoustic wave is applied to the knee so that irritation or inflammation is relieved or to promote collagen synthesis and cell growth so that a tendon tear is repaired.

Softwave Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

Softwave therapy can break up the calcified deposits that are causing the loss of motion range in the shoulder and loosen the joint structures so that pain is reduced and range of motion is regained.

Request an appointment with us so that we can evaluate your condition and begin a treatment regimen that can reduce your pain and enable you to do more of what you enjoy.